Saturday, August 3, 2019

Essay --

Introduction: "Based on five principles of Canada Health Act, Government of Canada introduced national healthcare system in 1962. Canadian government was committed to provide universal and comprehensive healthcare service that is accessible by all permanent residents without restriction based on ones’ income. Canada’s healthcare system is jointly financed by the federal and the provincial government with centralized guidelines established by the federal government to ensure uniform healthcare services across the country. Canada spent approximately $211 billion on healthcare in 2013 with an average of $5,988 per person (CIHI, 2001). Healthcare spending continues to rise and is expected to be 50% of Ontario’s total annual spending in near future. About 70% of Canada’s healthcare cost is publically funded and only 30% is funded by health insurance and out-of-pocket costs (Toronto Sun, 2013). Recent Angus Reid study has revealed that the Canadian healthcare system is struggling to provide satisfactory services to its citizens. It was revealed that 187,000 patients were waiting to receive treatment and 45% of those in the waiting line characterized themselves as â€Å"in pain† (Health Canada, 2005). Waiting lines are common across Canada, for instance, waiting period between primary consultation and surgery is 10.2 weeks in Ontario and 17.1 weeks in Saskatchewan. Due to increase in Demand and aging population, waiting lines have grown by more than 5 weeks since 1967 (Gratzer, 2001). The situation in Ontario and Quebec are more sever compared to other provinces in Canada. In February 1999, demand for healthcare reached a point where it exceed supply and Ontario healthcare had to arrange cancer treatment in United States. Angus Reid poll... ... medical services are said to be free but not many are available without waiting lines. Many issues faced by Canada’s current healthcare system can be addressed by introducing a parallel private and public healthcare system. In order to introduce a two-tier healthcare system, amendments to Canada Health Act at both federal and provincial levels are required. It has been concluded that implementation of two-tier health care system is utmost important as it will be difficult for the government to sustain healthcare funding in future. Two-tier healthcare system will provide efficient healthcare system as waiting lines will be reduced, government spending will be controlled, private sector will provide access to modern technology as well as encourage Canadian physicians to practice in Canada rather than shifting to United States for higher financial incentives."

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