Monday, September 30, 2019

Internal and External Constraints Affecting Top Gear plc Essay

In this task I shall discuss the many difficulties facing Top Gear plc and the internal and external constraints that may affect the company. I will also include constraints that the Personnel Manager will have to keep in mind when he is preparing job advertisements, and, use examples to show how these constraints will affect the decision makers of Top Gear plc. I will discuss internal constraints first and later go on to discuss the external constraints that affect both Top Gear plc and the Personnel Manager. When preparing a job advertisement the Personnel Manager will have to look at several internal constraints before hand. One thing the Personnel Manager may do is check there is actually a job for a new employee or that a new employee is needed. There is no point in recruiting more employees if there are already sufficient employees to do the amount of work that needs to be done. He will also have to look at the payment of new employees. The Personnel Manager will have to discuss this with the manager of the department looking to recruit new employees, or whichever department is paying for the new recruits, and see whether their budget can afford to pay for a new recruit. Another area the Personnel Manager would have to think about is whether the company can accommodate new employees. For example if the job required an office to work from, and Top Gear plc didn’t have any offices remaining, they would be unable to accommodate a new employee. Also the company may be required to have parking spaces for each individual employee’s. Also the Personnel Manager would have to examine if there are enough resources for a new recruit to carry out the job they have been hired for. If Top Gear plc hired someone to make deliveries, and then found they did not have enough vehicles for the new recruit and existing staff, they would be paying for someone who was doing nothing. The Personnel Manager would also have to consider, if there were an inadequate amount of resources, whether it would be cost-affective to buy more of the required resources or whether it would be cheaper to not recruit any new employees. Another constraint may be that the company uses a specialist type of equipment or software package and the Personnel Manager would have to include this as part of the job advertisement. For example, Top Gear plc may use a certain graphics package when designing new clothes, so, new employees involved in the design department of Top Gear plc would have to be able to use that certain graphics package. If they could not use the graphics package then they would require training and this would cost more money, and, if Top Gear plc was only looking to recruit one employee it may be considered a waste of time and money to train one individual employee. Internal constraints also affect other areas of the company. One instance in which the directors of Top Gear plc are going to have to take internal constraints into very serious consideration will be when they put their idea of introducing a website to the company into practice. Top Gear plc will have to recruit new people and buy new equipment to use and maintain the new website and other things associated with the introduction of the website such as more vehicles for the expected extra deliveries. Also new recruits, and current employees, if they are to be used, will have to have the right skills and qualifications required to make the new website work. These are just a few of the internal constraints that would likely affect a company such as Top Gear plc. There are also many external constraints affecting businesses such as Top Gear plc. When preparing a job advertisement the Personnel Manager will also have to take several of these into consideration. Some of the major constraints that will have to be focused on are included in Employment Legislation. Such legislation includes Acts such as the Health and Safety at Work Act, Race Relations Act, Equal Pay Act and the Sex Discrimination Act. These mean that the Personnel Manager cannot be either sexist or racist in his advertisement and that he will have to be careful that he doesn’t inadvertently produce an advert containing anything that could be interpreted as though he was being racist or sexist or discriminate to other such individuals as disabled people. The Personnel Manager must make sure the payment for the job is fair otherwise he is going against the Equal Pay Act. If one person is being paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500 a month in Top Gear plc and a job vacancy appears for someone to do the same job for only à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½400 this would be unfair to the new employee. It is very unlikely an employee would work for less money than someone doing the same job and would be a bad idea to pay them less as Top Gear plc would get into trouble and would soon find themselves with one less employee and another vacancy. The environment were the company is based will also have an affect on the company. If Top Gear plc were based in an area with high employment, such as London, the chances of getting a high skilled worker for a low payment are quite slim as there will probably be many other jobs that are willing to pay more to have highly skilled employees, so the Personnel Manager will have to take this into consideration when deciding and publishing the amount which the job will pay. If the vacancy requires new offices to be built, or an expansion of factory space, Top Gear plc will have to adhere to local government planning regulations and may also annoy some local environmental pressure groups which will try and stop the new buildings being built. The Directors, as well as the Personnel Manager, would have to decide whether it is worth having new buildings, or current buildings extended, and whether the possibility of causing local pressure groups to take action against the company is likely. Top Gear plc want to have a good reputation. If environmental pressure groups take action against the company it will spoil Top Gear plc’s reputation and construction would be slowed if not completely stopped as the people complain about the company. Other pressure groups will also be considered in decisions of the company such as Trade Unions and Consumer Groups. Top Gear plc will not want Trade Unions taking action against them so they will probably employ people to make sure the work environment is as safe and as fair as possible so that Trade Unions are happy. Consumer Pressure groups will also be taken into consideration and so Top Gear plc will do their best to make sure products conform to Consumer Legislation such as the Trade Descriptions Act, Sale of Goods Act and the Weights and Measures Act. This means that goods sold by Top Gear plc must be as described, be free from any defects, be of a decent merchantable quality and must be the correct measurement labelled on them. The Finance department also have certain external constraints such as Taxes. There are many taxes including corporation tax and VAT. Top Gear plc has to pay these taxes on the profit they make, the things they buy such as equipment, vehicles etc. Top Gear plc can claim VAT back from customs and excise. The Finance department will also have to take exchange rates and interest rates into consideration when buying or selling items abroad or when taking out loans or other such borrowings. A big external constraint is competition. The Personnel Manager may have to take this into account when preparing a job advertisement as if a competing company also have a vacancy for a similar job they may try and make their job seem more attractive by offering better payment, better bonuses or other such things. The Personnel Manager may take this into account and try to make the job sound as interesting as possible. Competition will also affect the prices Top Gear plc sells its products at and may be the cause for a reduction in prices as Top Gear plc are competing to have more customers than other companies. In conclusion there are many types of internal and external constraints that affect any company especially one like Top Gear plc. The Personnel Manager will have many constraints to consider when preparing for the advertisement and must think carefully about what is included within his final advertisement. The directors of Top Gear plc, who are the main decision makers, will also expected to put a lot of thought toward external constraints also as the wrong decisions could mean disaster for the company.

The starry night

The Starry night Now the darkness took over the sky and a chill ran down my body. The wispy breeze was cold too. The somber path curving up to the ghastly trivial hill, on which I walked alone. But the other side of the hill was proud with light. The path ran amidst prickly scrubs trampled by the locals. On the path were laid water drenched leaves from the shower in the afternoon. The sky was illuminated with tiny emotive objects.Under he colossal tree laid a pit of dry leaves with some streaks of gray smoke making their way through the long butted sack of heat. The starry night started with a chilled breeze blowing and fireflies rode the air current making their way through to safer grounds. I made myself comfortable on soft damp grass and lay down. A man stood on the front, barring the view. He crushed a stalk in his mouth, a Mexican poncho crowned his head, and he bore a cowboy outfit on a lean build.He had his own way, e stood tall with a silhouette marking his practical personal ity. He asked â€Å"what are you doing out here, kid? † I was bewildered and I said Just had food, ‘am chilling, you? † He kept quiet, wind blew, the leaves rattled and the light smoke hustled to get attention. The sky had a startling clout which made me contemplate the environment. In front of the long butted fire stood a rock which stood crisp and rough by the blowing air.It was midnight, an' I still lay on the velvety grass sensing a deep, amp scent of rain, a little bit of moist mud. The cynical curls of clouds ruled the skies, and the stars seemed to have been standing overpowered by the vicious clouds of rain, but as time went past the mighty clouds had been triumphed by the robust Lulus. It seemed very positive while the person by my side lay with his hat covering his cryptic and diplomatic personality. The sky was clear and the moss started to deluge on my face like god left his shower running.I felt exuberant, I unveiled my yes and witnessed the Jovial an d stunning sky and it mesmerism's me, as I gradually stood up and could not see the man. The rabbits hurried as silently as they could to get out of sight. For a moment the entire place felt dull until I the bright sunlight struck my eyes and forced me to look at it. The tedious darkness was defeated by the bright streaks of sun, the light climbed up the hill and it was five in the morning. The ‘cowboy man patted me on the back, his face blushing with an optimistic glow, like it said â€Å"let's move on†.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ballads Case Essay

Ballads are poems that tell a story. These ballads are distinguished by such features as few characters, dramatic plots, and may include dialogue, as well as action because it tells a story. They are considered to be a form of narrative poetry. They are often used in songs and have a very musical quality to them. According to the dictionary, Ballad is a narrative poem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung, consisting of simple stanzas and usually having a refrain. It is the music for such a poem. It is also defined as a popular song especially of a romantic or sentimental nature. Here is an example: (Ballad of a Mother’s Heart) Origin There have been many theories about the originators of the ballads all of which have some validity when applied to the different types of ballad, the main ones are as follows:  · Minstrels: A minstrel is a musician or a poet. Originally, the minstrels were paid entertainers who worked for the Court and influential personages. They wrote songs about current events and historical victories of their patron and they included rewritings of old songs, legends and ballads in their theatre. The theory that the minstrels were the originators of the ballads was held for quite a long time. They are certainly a factor in the spreading of the ballads into the community; ballads were a stock item in the theatre of the minstrels even when their status had declined to that of street singers.  · – Dance: Certainly some of the ballads were tied to dances. The word ballad probably comes from medieval French dance songs or ballet (â€Å"ballares† dance).  · Ceremonial dance and songs. Some ballad refrains contain ceremonial chants and responses  · Monks: The monks were the amongst the few who could read and write in the early times of the ballad history and that it follows that they must have had a hand in the composition and writing of the ballads.  · Communal composition: It has been suggested that ballads may have developed as a communal effort; particularly those that contain refrains and rhythms that are connected with work such as weaving and spinning. Example is the walking songs of the Hebrides.  · Cante-fable. This is a story, which is classified with verses that are sung or chanted. Some ballads are distinctively English or Scottish in origin but the older ballads are more likely to have a European source as their beginnings, deriving from earlier poems and old folk tales brought into Britain by its many invaders, immigrants and soldiers returning from foreign wars. Composition Scholars of ballads are often divided into two: The ‘communalists’ who argue that ballads arose by a combined communal effort and did not have a single author. They tend to lead to the view that more recent, particularly printed broadside ballads are a debased form of the genre. The ‘individualists’ who assert that there was a single original author. They tended to lead to the view that later changes in the words of ballads are corruptions of an original text. More recently scholars have pointed to the interchange of oral and written forms of the ballad. Classification European Ballads have been generally classified into three major groups: traditional, broadside and literary. * Traditional ballads Traditional folk ballads exhibit certain characteristics which help to identify them as being genuine in origin. Traditional ballads or folk ballads were universal songs meant to be understood by everyone, so writers would choose words that even the uneducated might understand. Traditional ballads follow a standard format and tell lengthy stories that call on imagery. * Broadsides Broadside ballads are descriptive or narrative verses or songs sung or recited in public places or printed on broadsides for sale in the streets. It is commonly in a simple ballad form. Broadside ballads appeared shortly after the invention of printing in the 15th century and were hawked in streets, fairs, and marketplaces of Europe into the 19th century. Among the topics were love, religion, drinking-songs, legends, and early journalism, which included disasters, political events and signs, wonders and prodigies. * Literary ballads A literary ballad (also known as â€Å"art ballad†) is a narrative poem written in imitation of the old anonymous folk ballad; the author is most often a known professional poet. Usually the literary ballad is more elaborate and complex. Literary ballads were quite popular in England during the 19th cent. The literary ballad, unlike the traditional ballad and the broadside ballad, is a sophisticated rather than a popular form. Importance of Ballads Ballads are important to look at because they show how the form has developed over time. A ballad is not simply a romantic song, although that definition will still apply in the field of music. Romance can be infused into ballads, especially if they are a narrative tale of love (or hate) as seen in the ballad by the anonymous Spanish poet. However, they are so much more as well. Anyone who knows the ballad knows how complex the story is in terms of theme, imagery, characters, symbolism, and many other literary devices and significations.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics - Essay Example The people and neighbours nearby the plant were in great dilemma. The Corporation blamed the Indian workers and managers for such incident. Various cases were filed against the corporation and the chairman at Indian courts (Browning, 1993). In this paper, a study has been conducted based on the Bhopal gas leak disaster. One of the prime objectives of the paper will be to analyse the role of the former chairman of Union Carbide Corporation, Mr. Anderson regarding his fault in the dreadful explosion of MIC from the plant. The paper also deals with the stakeholder theory and corporate citizenship of the plant administered by Union Carbide in Bhopal, India. Furthermore, the paper will discuss about whether the corporation was successful or failed in their responsibility towards society. The stakeholder theory of the Corporation will also be highlighted by referring to the theoretical framework. 2.0 Is Anderson to blame at all for this accident? Union Carbide Corporation’s parent c ompany Dow Chemical Company is one of the biggest producers of chemical in the United States. The corporation is operating in various countries throughout the world. The plant had started its operation in Bhopal in the year 1969 with $25 million manufacturing facility. The plant was named as Union Carbide of India, Ltd (UCIL). Since its headquarters is in the US, technical and financial operations of the plant were performed in the US. Government of India also owned a certain part of the plant. Due to the incident of Bhopal disaster in 1986 as well as pressure from the US judges, the corporation approved to pay $425 million for the victims of the incident. Later the Union Carbide changed their opinion towards the victims. Mr. Warren Anderson, who was the chairman of the corporation, visited India after such incident and said everything would be done for the victims of Bhopal tragedy. He offered $1million for such dreadful disaster and to build hospital, orphanage as well as vocation al schools (Gupta, 2002). The incident was caused since proper safety measures were not adopted in the plant. The chairman was responsible to manage all the operations but he did not conduct them properly. The Carbide engineers were involved in the final design as well as construction of the plant. Due to possible limitation in the designing of plant such incident had occurred. There was inadequacy from the Union Carbide Corporation in safety measures, deficient in cooling facilities, defective alarm systems, poor maintenance and storage of excessive amounts of toxic materials. However, the corporation was not willing to admit their shortcomings and were rather blaming the workers for such damage. Various homicide charges were also filed against the top nine officers of the Corporation besides Chairman Anderson. In the US, the corporation had installed all the safety measures for the individuals working there. However, in one of the third world country, i.e. in India, Union Carbide did not adopt adequate safety measures for the workers in the plant (Browning, 1993). The deadly Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) was imported to India from the US in order to stimulate foreign direct investment. From that period onwards, the Bhopal plant

Thursday, September 26, 2019

MBA - Corporate Finance - Capital Budgeting - 6 question Essay

MBA - Corporate Finance - Capital Budgeting - 6 question - Essay Example c. Mutual exclusivity requires a business organization to choose only one project. Consistent with the goal of every company to maximize its wealth, the project with the higher NPV is chosen regardless of the investment cost. Thus, project B is chosen over project A even though its IRR and MIRR is lower. Since the lowest even life cycle of the projects under consideration is 12, the Equivalent Annual Annuity is utilized in order to make the best decision. Thus, the present values of cash flows within the first three years of each project are computed. Afterwards, these are divided by the PVIFA of the projects. For project A, this means dividing it with the PVIFA within 3 years at 8% while for project B a life of 4 years and 8% discount rate is utilized. At the end, the four year alternative is chosen because it has a higher NPV of ($63,100.92). a. Any investment should still be evaluated regardless of the fact that the investment is higher than the cash inflow. It should be noted that the profitability of an investment is not solely based on whether the investment exceeds the cash inflow because of the time value of money. Evaluation of the project using different required rates of return also reveals that NPVs can be positive or negative depending on the discount rate. b. For this project, there are two computed IRRs which is due to the fact that there is a change in the sign of cash flow for the project’s life span. For the first year, there is an outflow (negative cash flow) while in the second year cash flow is positive. During the end of its life, the project again has a negative cash flow. Since, the sign changes twice, two IRRs are expected. As computed by Excel, these IRRs are 10.09% and 20.81% indicating that NPVs are zero in these discount rates. c. Figure 1 in the Appendix shows the computed NPVs at discount rates of 5% (NPV=-$730.16) , 15% (NPV=$215.50), 18% (NPV=$159.44) and 25%

Significance of organisational culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Significance of organisational culture - Essay Example Foundation of organizational culture can be broadly classified into two parts, one is known as ‘Anthropological foundation’ and another is known as ‘Sociological foundation’. Both of the foundations can be differentiated on the basis of functional and semiotic approach. The functional approach takes several parameters into consideration that make a distinction between both the foundations. These parameters can be identified as focus, variables, assumptions and observation. The anthropological foundation assumes that an organization itself is a culture where as sociological foundation assumes that organizations have a culture (Cameron and Quinn 2011). The focus of anthropological foundation lies at collective structure unlike the case of sociological foundation that focuses at collective behavior. The culture of an organization is observed as a subjective factor by anthropological foundation where as it seen as a matter of objective factor by sociological fou ndation. There is also a difference between both the foundations on the issue of variable factors. Anthropological foundation perceives, culture as a dependent variable, where as sociological foundation perceives culture as an independent variable (Cameron and Quinn 2011).The semiotic approach is also taken into account in order to identify and analyze the key difference between anthropological and sociological foundation. The anthropological foundation assumes culture as reality where as sociological foundation assumes culture.... The culture of an organization is observed as a subjective factor by anthropological foundation where as it seen as a matter of objective factor by sociological foundation. There is also a difference between both the foundations on the issue of variable factors. Anthropological foundation perceives, culture as a dependent variable, where as sociological foundation perceives culture as an independent variable (Cameron and Quinn 2011). The semiotic approach is also taken into account in order to identify and analyze the key difference between anthropological and sociological foundation. The anthropological foundation assumes culture as reality where as sociological foundation assumes culture as a mean that develops a sense of reality at workplace. The focus of anthropological foundation lies at individual’s assumptions rather than individual’s cognition as in the case of sociological foundation. The factor of ‘observation’ is also taken into consideration for differentiating the key issues between both the foundations. The ‘individual immersion’ is a subject of observation for anthropological foundation where as ‘individual involvement’ is taken into consideration as a subject of observation by sociological foundation. The anthropological foundation perceives culture as a dependent variable which requires an understanding of culture by the members of the organization where as sociological foundation perceives culture as an independent variables and assumes that other outcomes are dependent on organizational culture and can be predicted. Significance of organisational culture: It is imperative for organisations across the globe to understand their culture in order to succeed and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Edgar Allen Poe Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Edgar Allen Poe - Research Paper Example Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809 (Kennedy, 2001, 19). Personal misfortunes were, sadly, a persistent episode during his lifetime. He never met his father who abandoned his mother. His mother died from tuberculosis. After his parents’ death Edgar was adopted by Frances and John Allan, a rich trader in Richmond, Virginia (Kennedy, 2001). From the very beginning of Poe’s authorial vocation, he adored creating verses for the most important persons in his life. Soon after, when he reached maturity and understood life’s unpleasant realities, his narratives became more disquieting and darker, possibly because of his overindulgence in alcohol and drugs (Magistrale, 2001). His horror tales are still regarded as one of the most chilling and frightening tales ever written, and, due to this, several literary scholars contemplated on the possible sources of these dark themes. Numerous literature activists and historians have assumed that h is problematic love life was the root whereas others have pointed to his drug and alcohol addiction (Magistrale, 2001). ... Poe implanted this in his famed masterpiece Alone (Hoffman, 1998, 38): â€Å"From childhood’s hour, I have not been as others were; I have not seen as others saw; I could not bring my passions from a common spring.† As mentioned above, several of the most significant persons in his life were a vast source of influence because of their deaths. His reaction to death consistently included more heightened addiction to alcohol and drugs (Kennedy, 2001); hence, it is difficult to make a decisive difference between the influences of Poe’s individual loved ones. Nevertheless, since the deaths happened prior to the drugs and alcohol addiction, it was only death which occupied the utmost position in his life, bringing about series of self-destruction that sooner or later put an end on his own existence (Kennedy, 2001). In spite of his personal misfortunes, nevertheless, he stays as one of the most treasured and broadly celebrated of all American authors. His disturbing and frightening tales and poems will survive through ages and be read by innumerable people from various societies and different eras, a reality which would have certainly given some spring of calm for this agonized, gifted, and disturbed individual. Almost every well-known author that came after Poe, embodying practically all national literatures, was familiar with him, and writers who were not personally influenced by his idea were compelled somehow to recognize it, if simply in a feat of denial (Kennedy, 2001). The reputation and significance of Poe as an author were at first freed from the nasty rumors of Rufus Griswold, his literary architect, by the determined attempts of Charles Baudelaire, a French writer (Magistrale, 2001). The influence of Poe on 19th century French literature

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Current Technologies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Current Technologies - Research Paper Example In fact, in order to learn strategies and development techniques for mobile web development we would not need to learn something new. However, we will need to look at website design in an innovative way, one that is definitely more limiting as compared to the design of normal website browsers. In addition, to deal with this kind of issues that occur in mobile website design, and to get results that are as helpful and user-friendly as our normal website, a number of innovative problem-solving skills are necessary (Chapman, 2010; Cameronmoll, 2008; Smashing Editorial, 2012). Moreover, both the mobile web development and desktop web development appear to be a little bit different areas however the technology, skills and development ideas required for these both areas of development appear to be similar. This report outlines the similarities and differences between these two types of web development. This report will discuss these areas with respect to a number of factors. Type of users A survey on a mobile technology usage showed that the mobile users till 2009 have increased to 3 billion all through the world. Without a doubt, the Internet usage on mobile devices is gradually rising. Additionally, these days we can see a number of types of users who use different kinds of mobile devices. In addition, in the majority of mobile internet users we see people who are interested in social networks, news feeds and entertainment. On the other hand, desktop web users are a little bit higher. Also, these users can be of any age and any gender. In this scenario, they use desktop web systems for carrying out a wide variety of tasks (Chapman, 2010; Cameronmoll, 2008; Smashing Editorial, 2012). User environment The mobile web environment is extremely aligned to content, context, and component specific atmosphere. Alternatively, access to web based data and contents on a mobile device is mostly affected by surrounding circumstances, or simply the informational significance of t he job that we currently have, and the future potential of the systems being utilized. As compared to the desktop web experience, where we have a widescreen space, we also have much higher speed of web access that is much more reliable. The data input into desktop web systems is also very fast due to the usage of mouse and keyboard. On the other hand, the mobile web usage is frequently limited to a small mobile screen, one-handed experience and irregular interaction. In addition, it can be significantly assessed that desktop web systems and mobile web systems are very much different in user environments. Moreover, the mobile web systems are restricted and slow while desktop systems are much wider and reliable systems (Chapman, 2010; Cameronmoll, 2008; Smashing Editorial, 2012). Screen sizes Some of the common resolutions for standard cell phones comprise 101? 80 pixels to 320?480 pixel screen. In other words, this screen size of mobile web development is very limited. Hence, we have to put all information and data in this limited area. On the other hand, the desktop web development provides very much freedom while designing these systems. In addition, mobile web creates need to put a lot of effort to design systems in a way that they can offer a great deal of user support and capability for placement of information in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discuss the implication of globalization for the organized labour Essay

Discuss the implication of globalization for the organized labour movement in rich countries - Essay Example The process of globalization, with the liberal economic policies, which have been adopted by many countries, has come to weaken the strong foundation upon which many trade unions have been built. Globalization has intensified the economic competition among the various developed nations of the world and to increase this competitiveness, these countries have adopted very liberal trade policies to ensure that their products remain at the top of the global market. These new policies have had an impact on trade unions in very negative way because one of their key parts are the legal restrictions which have been placed on the rights of workers for the sake of a higher efficiency of the economy. A major consequence of these restrictions has been the fact that trade unions in these countries have come to lose those rights, which they had struggled for many years to gain, and this has ensured that the political foundations of such trade unions have been increasingly weakened1. At the same tim e, the liberal policies that have been brought about by globalization have been creates more in favor of the employers than the workers. These policies advocate for the flexibility of the labor market and this has meant that the labor market has been deregulated and that employers have been empowered in areas the hiring of workers, their firing, the choice of how much to pay them, as well as the choice of the use of labor. As a result of this, informal employment and other cheap forms of labor have become prevalent because employers prefer them not only for the cheapness of wages paid to them, but also for the fact that they do not have to cover them in such matters as insurance and safety. This has made it very difficult for trade unions to be able to organize workers into the powerful force that they previously were because many of these informally employed people are not members of unions. The swift change in the development of equipment as well as the globalization of the econom y has led to the acceleration of structural adjustment. With the division of labor on the international scene, some of the developed countries have opted to shift those enterprises that they consider labor intensive to other countries where there is cheaper labor. This has led to the trade unions in these countries to lose those industrial sectors, which had been their traditional bases of support. To add to this, the use of new technologies in such traditional industries as steel, manufacturing and construction has led to the drop in the demand for labor from these industries due to the fact that most of the labor within them has become redundant. Moreover, the traditional ways through which trade unions worked have been challenged by the development of the Information Technology and other related industries, and it is against this background that trade union activities in developed countries, are on the decline2. Globalization has enabled the speeding up of the work of trade union s at an international level. Trade unions have developed as a product of the social and economic conflicts that have been brought about by industrial disputes. They gain their legitimacy through their legalization at a national level and they function as the protectors of the rights of the workers who fall within their jurisdiction. Due to the globalization

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Consequences of psychologic fixation Essay Example for Free

Consequences of psychologic fixation Essay The first stage of psychosexual development is the oral stage, spanning from birth until the age of two years, where in the infants mouth is the focus of libidinal gratification derived from the pleasure of feeding at the mothers breast, and from the oral exploration of his or her environment, i. e. the tendency to place objects in the mouth. The id dominates, because neither the ego nor the super ego is yet fully developed, and, since the infant has no personality (identity), every action is based upon the pleasure principle. Nonetheless, the infantile ego is forming during the oral stage; two factors contribute to its formation: (i) in developing a body image, he or she is discrete from the external world, e. g. the child understands pain when it is applied to his or her body, thus identifying the physical boundaries between body and environment; (ii) experiencing delayed gratification leads to understanding that specific behaviors satisfy some needs, e. g. crying gratifies certain needs. [5] Anal stage The second stage of psychosexual development is the anal stage, spanning from the age of eighteen months to three years, wherein the infants erogenous zone changes from the mouth (the upper digestive tract) to the anus (the lower digestive tract), while the ego formation continues. Toilet training is the childs key anal-stage experience, occurring at about the age of two years, and results in conflict between the Id (demanding immediate gratification) and the Ego (demanding delayed gratification) in eliminating bodily wastes, and handling related activities (e. g. manipulating excrement, coping with parental demands). The style of parenting influences the resolution of the Id–Ego conflict, which can be either gradual and psychologically uneventful, or which can be sudden andpsychologically traumatic. The ideal resolution of the Id–Ego conflict is in the childs adjusting to moderate parental demands that teach the value and importance of physical cleanliness and environmental order, thus producing a self-controlled adult. Yet, if the parents make immoderate demands of the child, by over-emphasizing toilet training, it might lead to the development of a compulsive personality, a person too concerned with neatness and order. If the child obeys the Id, and the parents yield, he or she might develop a self-indulgent personality characterized by personal slovenliness and environmental disorder. If the parents respond to that, the child must comply, but might develop a weak sense of Self, because it was the parents will, and not the childs ego, who controlled the toilet training. Phallic stage The third stage of psychosexual development is the phallic stage, spanning the ages of three to six years, wherein the childs genitalia are his or her primary erogenous zone. It is in this third infantile development stage that children become aware of their bodies, the bodies of other children, and the bodies of their parents; they gratify physical curiosity by undressing and exploring each other and their genitals, and so learn the physical (sexual) differences between male and female and the gender differences between boy and girl. In the phallic stage, Latency stage[ The fourth stage of psychosexual development is the latency stage that spans from the age of six years until puberty, wherein the child consolidates the character habits he or she developed in the three, earlier stages of psychologic and sexual development. Whether or not the child has successfully resolved the Oedipal conflict, the instinctual drives of the id are inaccessible to the Ego, because his or her defense mechanisms repressed them during the phallic stage. Hence, because said drives are latent (hidden) and gratification is delayed — unlike during the preceding oral, anal, and phallic stages — the child must derive the pleasure of gratification from secondary process-thinking that directs the libidinal drives towards external activities, such as schooling, friendships, hobbies, etc. Anyneuroses established during the fourth, latent stage, of psychosexual development might derive from the inadequate resolution either of the Oedipus conflict or of the Egos failure to direct his or her energies towards socially acceptable activities. Genital stage The fifth stage of psychosexual development is the genital stage that spans puberty and adult life, and thus occupies most of the life of a man and of a woman; its purpose is the psychologic detachment and independence from the parents. The genital stage affords the person the ability to confront and resolve his or her remaining psychosexual childhood conflicts. As in the phallic stage, the genital stage is centered upon the genitalia, but the sexuality is consensual and adult, rather than solitary and infantile. The psychological difference between the phallic and genital stages is that the ego is established in the latter; the persons concern shifts from primary-drive gratification (instinct) to applying secondary process-thinking to gratify desire symbolically and intellectually by means of friendships, a love relationship, family and adult responsibilities.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cultural Tourism in Egypt: An analysis

Cultural Tourism in Egypt: An analysis Introduction Cultural tourism can be considered the most fascinating type of sightseeing as it is the witnessing of the real elements which have contributed in making a country the way it is in the present day. It gives the newcomers to a country an opportunity to have a profound insight of the true nexus of the nation which consists of its heritage, traditions, history and the relics and buildings which are the living reminders of that country’s forefathers and their deeds. Experiencing a country’s heritage is a unique experience in itself and a tourist is bound to get a completely new and interesting perspective if their tour is planned in a way which includes the visiting of attractions and places which reflect culture and values of the inhabitants rather than the usual trips to the best shopping malls. Apart from the entertainment factor, cultural tourism can serve as an extremely informative eye opener for a tourist as they encounter indigenous people with customs and lifestyles that were beyond their imagination before and come across strange and amazing architecture which seems impossible to be formed out of human hands. Cultural tourism makes one realize the grandeur and diversity of the world and develops a stronger appreciation of their own traditions and ethnicity and the fact that how important they are in order to define one’s true roots. Moving on from the individual development factor of cultural tourism it is also very beneficial for the development of a country’s economy too. In the recent years it has become an increasingly popular sector in tourism industry throughout the world and countries are financially strengthened by it. It helps create more employment opportunities, promotion and advancement of the local industries, an increase in the overall income of the country and provides the resources to maintain and protect the traditional and historical treasures of the country (Ibrahim, 2011). Cultural Tourism in Egypt Egyptians are a very ancient and culturally rich civilization and demonstrates it proudly through the astounding architecture, relics and artifacts that are dotted all over the country. The country has gone through various eras of cultural evolution as it passed from one set of administrators to another starting from the rule of Pharaohs to Greco-Roman period in 332 B.C to the byzantine period and ultimately the Islamic conquest of Egypt in A.D 624. This makes Egypt an ideal place for cultural tourism as it has no end of attractions and history for the tourists to enjoy and the traditions of its people are still a living breathing reality which is waiting to be unearthed and experienced. To classify the expansive amount of tourist attractions in Egypt it would be appropriate to narrow them down to two categories: tangible assets and intangible assets. Classification of the Tourist Assets Tangible Assets Tangible assets are, as apparent from the term tangible, those assets which one can be â€Å"touched† or to put it more appropriately, physically exist. When speaking of the physical assets of Egypt’s tourist attractions that would include the historical buildings, ruins, museums, religious structures, ancient cities, opera houses and the typical traditional markets or bazaars that are still held in the exact same way that they have been since thousands of years in the past. The mighty pyramids of Giza, Valley of the Kings, temples and mosques, the Sphinx and Abu Simbel are renowned symbols of Egypt’s history. The ancient cities including Alexandria and Thebes are bursting with sites like the underground library of Alexandria, temple of the sun god Amun Ra, sanctuaries of Karnak, Museum of Egyptian antiquities and much more. Millions of tourists are frequent visitors to these sites each year for both entertainment and academic purposes and this makes these ancient relics the most valuable asset of the tourism industry of the country. Intangible Assets These are the exact opposite of tangible assets. Though these assets do not have a physical form they still play an important role in influencing the cultural promotion of the country. The intangible assets of Egypt are its traditions, rituals, centuries old religious beliefs and the knowledge and skills of its people. Egyptian traditions are a mixture of Arabian, Turkish and European countries as the forefathers of the civilization belonged or had travelled to different places around the world and brought back several beliefs and practices with them. But mainly the country is embedded in the rich and colorful culture of Middle East due to its geographical location (Jansen-Verbeke et al, 2010). The native tongue is Arabic and only six percent of the population are followers of Christianity while the majority is of Muslims. It is interesting for tourists to explore the festivities and ceremonies, taste the traditional foods, admire the vibrant patterns that are common in clothing in the Arabic world and purchase the extremely beautiful and intricately designed handicrafts which are available in the local bazaars. These are all the intangible assets of Egypt’s tourism industry because the visitors are attracted by them and eager to observe and personally experience these activities or to buy these artifacts, which is profitable to the native public and on a larger scale is financially advantageous for the country. Attractions There is an abundance of historical places and culturally relevant places in Egypt and it is extremely difficult to just select a few for description here as each attraction has a more fascinating background than the last. However as it is necessary to limit the number of attractions that need to be mentioned, the chosen few which are being presented will be the most popular and worth experiencing and seeing when touring the country. The pyramids of Giza: The awe inspiring conical resting places of the ancient kings are something which is inseparable from the concept of Egypt. It used to be one of the Seven Wonders of the World and was finished building around 2560 BC by the Pharaoh Khufu. Situated outside Cairo the three largest pyramids belong to the Pharaohs Menkaure, Khafu and Khafre the father, son and grandson. These are surrounded by smaller tombs of their female family members and the mastabas or trapezoid shaped tombs of other relatives. The impressive and terrifying figure of the Sphinx is also a part of this collection which poses as guard to the entrance of the pyramid of Khafre. Temple of Luxor: The beautiful temple is erected close to the banks of the mighty River Nile and stands in the midst of modern architecture of the city of Luxor. The temple of Luxor was built in about 1400 BC when Rameses II and Amenhotep III ruled and was in dedication to the gods Khonsu and Amun Ra and the godess Mut. During the period of its prime the temple was the location where the Opet or late summer festival was celebrated. An annual banquet was held in which there was a large procession of religious priests who brought in the ceremonial representation of the God Amun Ra on a boat across the Nile and the god was then supposed to be reunited each year with the goddess Mut.The temple is excessively enormous in size and has several huge monumental entrance ways that are approximately seventy yards long and are flanked by obelisks and humongous statues. The mosque of Ahmed Ibn Tulun The Ibn Tulun is an expansive and beautiful structure. The mosque was built in 879 AD by Ahmed Ibn Tulun the founder of the Tulunid Empire of Egypt. The mosque was created out of mud bricks and occupies about 304,812 square feet of land. It comes third on this list of world’s largest mosques. It is also one of the most ancient mosques in Egypt which is still in its original shape after all the years. An enclosure surrounds the mosque from three sides and there are also little courtyards that are called ziyadas which were created for the purpose of providing privacy and to separate the sacred worshipping space from the world outside. These are bordered by tall archways and broad pillars that are decorated by elaborately carved motifs. The mosque’s minaret is a thing of beauty itself and features a spiral staircase and has three floors each of which are of different shapes. The library of Alexandria: The building of the library is itself not a marvel built by ancient Egypt architects as it is structure that was erected in modern times but that does not lower its importance as a historical tourist spot as it houses the most classical antique volumes which range back to the third century and were originally maintained and managed by the Ptolemy family. It is considered the most expansive and complete library of its era and the collections consist of more than seventy thousand scrolls. The library has performed the role of being the sourceof information for the great philosophical thinkers and literary individuals who have helped shaping the whole world. The library of Alexandria is the precise spot where the circumference of planet earth was measured by Eratosthenes, the Julian Calendar was designed by the help of Julias Caesar and the theories of geometry were established by Euclid. The original building of the library was destroyed during the Civil War that happened in the third century. The government had a new structure built in 2002 close to the site which was occupied by the old library building. The present day Bibliotheca Alexandria has eleven cascading floors and an Egyptian antiques museum is situated in its basement. Evaluation of the Attractions The pyramids of Giza are a legendary landmark of Egypt and emanate the true culture of the country and how it survived the tyrannical reign of the pharaohs who although were promoters of great architecture and aesthetic values but all at the expense of their subjects and the poverty stricken slave society. The pyramids are the one of the major tourist attractions of Egypt and draw millions of tourists each year. They are usually included in the main sightseeing points that are sure to be visited by tourists when travelling through Egypt (Ibrahim, 2011) . Revenue gained from tourism (De Lapp, 2011) However the thing that is disappointing to most tourists is that there are certain very strict rules upon visiting the pyramids. The large pyramids are completely closed for tours commonly and at times when they are open the visitor count is limited to only 150. The best way to buy a ticket without any hassle is to get it during early morning. Also the pyramids can prove very difficult to climb once the visitors are inside. These problems need to be maintained and efficiently managed in order to raise even higher the amount of tourists that come to see the site. Luxor as a city which has both modern and historical architectures is also magnet for both kinds of tourists, the ones who are more interested in visiting the present day malls and entertainment centers and the ones who are most interested in viewing the ancient side of the city and relishing in the glory of its past (De Lapp, 2011). The mosque is also among the favorite of tourists who want to be culturally informed as it reflects the ancient history of the Islamic empire and the artistic minds of the ancient architects which built the mosque so innovatively and according to an organized and well managed plan. The Library of Alexandria does not lose its charm either even if it is a relatively new building because underneath its roof is the hub of all the culture, belief and evolution of the Egyptian civilization in the form of its millions of dusty volumes and scrolls (De Lapp, 2011). All these attractions and more are what make up the cultural tourism industry of Egypt. Currently cultural tourism represents almost 30 percent of the Egyptian GDP and nineteen percent of Egypt’s total revenue gained from foreign currency. (De Lapp, 2011) Conclusion Cultural tourism is an important sector relating to the economical growth of Egypt and has an influential role in the increase of employment, heritage preservation and strengthening the financial background of the country. Due to these factors the ministry of tourism has formed a plan to broaden the capacity of the local tourism industry and to become competitive on a global level in order to increase its shares in the global market and to attract even more tourists to Egyptian cultural heritage. Egypt is already a country steeped with history and diversifying cultures and there will always be room and scope for newer innovations regarding tourism and tourist attraction. Its vast number of attractions can be improved and managed better in order to continue drawing more tourists each year. References DeLapp, K. M. (2011). Ancient Egypt as Europes Intimate Stranger.At the Interface/Probing the Boundaries,77. Ibrahim, M. A. (2011). The determinants of international tourism demand for Egypt: panel data evidence.European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences,30, 50-58. Ibrahim, Z. (2009). Tourism development and the environment on the Egyptian red sea coast Jansen-Verbeke, M., McKercher, B. (2010). 15 The tourism destiny of World Heritage cultural sites.Edited by Douglas G. Pearce and Richard W. Butler, 190.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Theme of loneliness and rejection

Theme of loneliness and rejection The Consequences of Societys Rejection in Frankenstein by Marry Shelley Frankenstein is Marry Shelleys masterpiece, written when she was only 18 years old. The novel explores of theme of loneliness and rejection. The monster created by Victor Frankenstein is rejected by human society because of his appearance. Mary Shelley explores the feelings of creature totally ignored and abused by the society. The novel became a reflection of the inner state of Mary Shelly. It reflects sufferings and looses of the author. As notes Anthony Badalamenti in his article Why did Mary Shelley Write Frankenstein: : â€Å"She was also the product of her own past, suffering three successive losses in her early life that reveal why themes of being alone and abandoned run through the novel†(Badalamenti, 431). All these sad events and constant feeling of loneliness helped Mary to create a very deep and powerful character. Victor does not think about possible results of his experiments. He does not think what will happen when he finally succeeds and created a living creature. He is severely punished by his attitude when the creature created by him turns to monster. The author illustrates that the guilt for murders can not be put only on Frankensteins creation. Society and social norms finally result in feeling of loneliness and estrangement. â€Å"The monster complains that his maker and mankind are moving his nature from goodness and benevolence to wrath and violence. He attempts the company of men and is rejected with horror, fear and abuse† (Badalamenti, 432). Victor Frankenstein is driven by his ambition when he creates his monster. He does not think about the consequences but rather makes experiments: â€Å"One of the phenomena which had peculiarly attracted my attention was the structure of the human frame, and, indeed, any animal endued with life† (Shelley, 46). Victor does not think about the feelings of the creature he produces. He is concerned only with scientific tools which give him control and power. â€Å"Frankenstein so beautifully explores the consequences of living and working in isolation. After cloistering himself to bring dead flesh to life, Victor Frankenstein condemns his creature to loneliness. The creature does the same to him in revenge. Solitude makes monsters of both† (Thomas). Victor creates a monster but he doest not understand true meaning of his actions. Loneliness and alienation is one of the main themes of the novel. It is notable that all main characters of the novel experience feelings of loneliness and alienation. The Monster, Victor and Walton experience these feelings. Victor Frankenstein, does not have good relations with his family. He does not keep in touch with his father and sister despite they really want to have good relations with him. The author describes in great detail good relations in Victors family and their desire to keep in touch with Victor. Despite this fact Victor does not make any attempt to support any relations with his family. He dedicates all time and effort to science but it does not bring him enough moral satisfaction. Victor can not find the way out for his negative feelings and uses since and experiment as a way to entertain himself and to get rid of loneliness. The author uses the old theme of Faust when the search for technical progress and scientific advances results in the loss of humanity. Vict or does not possess feeling of love and compassion. The Monster notes for several times that he wants to find these feelings in his creator but constantly fails. He compares himself to other people who deserve love and understanding of God, who created them, and states that his creator has abandoned him: â€Å"Sometimes I allowed my thoughts, unchecked by reason, to ramble in the fields of Paradise, and dared to fancy amiable and lovely creatures sympathizing with my feelings and cheering my gloom; their angelic countenances breathed smiles of consolation. But it was all a dream; no Eve soothed my sorrows nor shared my thoughts; I was alone. I remembered Adams supplication to his Creator. But where was mine? He had abandoned me, andin the bitterness of my heart I cursed him†. (Shelley, 111) Sad irony that the monster is not deprived of human feelings in contrast to his creator. The monster feels loneliness and alienation. It seeks for understanding and love but can not find a living creature which would share its feelings. Physical appearance becomes the main barrier for the creature. It does not allow it to build normal relations in the society. People do not make any attempts to find out about the inner world of the Monster after they saw how it looks. The creature readers works by Goethe and Milton and feels even more lonely and frustrated. The more it finds out about the world around, the more it hates it. â€Å"Cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live? Why, in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence which you had so wantonly bestowed? I know not; despair had not yet taken possession of me; my feelings were those of rage and revenge. I could with pleasure have destroyed the cottage and its inhabitantsand have glutted myself with their shrieks and misery.† (Shelley, 98). Feeling of alienation and loneliness only grows with the flow of time. Victor, the creator, turns off from the thing he has created He doest not want to take response for his actions and he rejects the thought that the creature may feel pain and other negative emotions same like other people do. Victor can not come in terms with his emotional side. He dies alone and looses all his dear people. The theme of social rejection is one of the main themes of the novel. The author shows the consequences of social opinion. The creature created by Victor turns to monster because it can not find understanding and compassion in the society. People do not give the creature any chances only because it looks terrible to them. In her novel, Mary made an attempt to express her own frustration and to turn attention of people to the theme of social deprivation and rejection. She was recording instead her reflections and feelingsher grief, her loneliness, her thoughts of the future, her wish to die (Nitchie, 49). Mary knows what she write about since she had to pass many personal hardships and looses. She wants her readers to understand the feelings of creature which knows no compassion or understanding. The monster was created by Victor only physically. In reality it was crated by the society. Indifferent attitude and disgust finally resulted in the birth of real monster which threatens its creator and society. Works Cited Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus. New York: Doubleday, 1999. Badalamenti F. Anthony, Why did Mary Shelley Write Frankenstein? Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 45, No. 3 (Fall, 2006), pp. 419-439, Vincent, Patrick, Mary Shelleys Fictions: From â€Å"Frankenstein† to â€Å"Falkner.† Studies in Romanticism, 01-01-2003 Thomas, Louisa, Their Love Is Alive, Newsweek, 09-14-2009 Nitchie, Elizabeth, Mary Shelley: Author of â€Å"Frankenstein† Greenwood Press, 1970. Frankenstein: Creation as Catastrophe Paul Sherwin PMLA, Vol. 96, No. 5 (Oct., 1981), pp. 883-903 Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, and the Spectacle of Masculinity Bette London PMLA, Vol. 108, No. 2 (Mar., 1993), pp. 253-267 Published by: Modern Language Association

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hawthornes Rappaccinis Daughter Essay -- Nathaniel Hawthorne Rappacc

Hawthorne's Rappaccini's Daughter This essay focuses on the way Hawthorne’s â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter† articulates the tension between the spirit and the empirical world. Hawthorne challenges the empirical world Rappaccini, both malevolent for his experimentation with human nature and sympathetic for his love for his daughter, represents, by raising an aesthetic question Rappaccini implicitly asks. Hawthorne never conclusively answers this question in his quest to preserve spiritual beauty in an empirical world, offering the most disturbing possibility of all: could art and the artist prove as fatal to the human spirit as empiricism? Hawthorne’s sinister representation of Rappaccini early in the story belies this self-isolating character’s complexity and his overriding desire to protect his daughter from the â€Å"miserable doom† (942) she nonetheless suffers by creating her as a poisonous body, dangerous like her â€Å"sister† plant in the garden. Rappaccini is first presented to us â€Å"a tall, emaciated, sallow, and sickly-looking man, dressed in a scholar’s garb of black.† He â€Å"could never, even in his more youthful days, have expressed much warmth of heart,† appearing as a somber figure apparently morose and removed from love at the tale’s beginning. Hawthorne opens the story in an allegorical framework he draws from Dante’s Inferno by presenting Rappaccini as a seemingly fixed character: his â€Å"demeanor was that of one walking among malignant influences,† or â€Å"influences† that signal his role in the tale both as evil, s ince he walks among the â€Å"deadly snakes, or evil spirits† (925), and as Adam, the first man encountering evil in the Garden of Eden. Rappaccini’s dubious, if not entirely evil character as â€Å"the distrustful gardener,† along... ...† in a practical world that threatens the spiritual one with its evil? Obviously, Rappaccini’s answer in his self-imposed isolation and experiment with Giovanni and Beatrice fails; rather, his attempt to ameliorate the poisonous effects of the physical world on the spirit only attracts a greater, more deadly poison—the dark aspects of human nature. He gives a dissatisfying alternative in Baglioni’s last, mocking line to Rappaccini, one in which the empirical horrors have, in the end, killed the spiritual essence along with Beatrice. It is a lesson not just about the dangers of science, then, but also about the dangers of human nature and its capacity for evil, from which art cannot lift us. Hawthorne’s bleak view of the scientist and the artist proposes a perfect world no one—not Rappaccini, not Giovanni, not Hawthorne—can achieve, even with the best of intentions.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Fear of Science :: Scientific Essays Papers

The Fear of Science My whole life I have loved science. The fact that people, mankind, has the ability to invent things that make our world better, easier, or even worse off amazes me. I am absolutely astounded by science. Every single aspect of science is fascinating, from cancer research to the periodic table of elements, all is so interesting. Why people abandon, reject or have no interest in science is a question that I propose. Is it because they purely do not care? Or maybe it is fear. Resistance to science is born of fear (Bishop 241). This quote by J. Michael Bishop is a great example of why the world often avoids science. I feel that science is something that people often take for granted. Science is very significant to me because it is my major. I want to be a nurse practitioner and that is based on anatomy and biology. These two sciences are based on the human body, which is an amazing machine. Through science we have been able to learn more about our bodies. We now know how our bodies work, why they shut down and how to help when it does. The research done based on the human body has given us medicines to live longer and have a more fulfilling life. With the study of the human body we also know what is bad for us, like smoking and drinking, and what is good for us, like exercise and a balanced diet. These things should be significant to everyone because without the knowledge, our lives would be shorter than they already are. Science has helped us in many ways. Along with studying our bodies, it has provided insight on how the world and universe works. We know why volcanoes erupt and how earthquakes happen. This knowledge is helpful to us because we can prepare for natural disasters. Another thing that science has given to our society is technology. I feel that the two go hand in hand. From electricity to cell phones, all have been developed by science. Computers are also a part of our daily life and make things much easier for us. Our society does not appreciate scienc e the way it should, rather it just raises the expectations of science. Yet despite these proud achievements, science today is increasingly mistrusted and under attack (Bishop 237). Bishops quote clearly shows that science is taken for granted.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Enlightement Thinkers And Vincent Van Gogh Essay

The Enlightenment outlook embraced freedom and progress, viewing humanity with optimism – guarded optimism, but optimism nonetheless.   The era’s thinkers believed that humanity was essential good but flawed, though with the proper guidance and environment it could be improved, if not perfected.   Condorcet saw no limits to human potential, claiming that nature â€Å"has set no limit to the perfection of human faculties† (Gay 119) and that if humanity sought the right goals, the future would yield this. Similarly, Rousseau argued for humanity’s essential decency, yet he did not believe it was unconditional; he believed that â€Å"in the right circumstances, with the right education and the right society, man might become a decent citizen† (Gay 171).   In addition, Europeans considered Benjamin Franklin proof of their ideas – a man who had sought higher goals and outlets for his immense talents and energies and practiced Enlightenment virtues like civic duty and intellectual accomplishment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Van Gogh shared the Enlightenment thinkers’ esteem for freedom and human dignity, writing in 1880 that â€Å"men are often faced with the impossibility of doing anything, imprisoned in some kind of cage. . . .   Sometimes the prison is called prejudice, misunderstanding, [or] fatal ignorance. . . .† (Suh 17)   He claimed he painted in order to ennoble laborers and the poor, whom many despised and viewed with little sympathy, hoping to â€Å"draw [people’s] attention to matters that need to be noticed† (Suh 43). For example, works like The Potato Eaters depict their subjects in difficult, even squalid conditions but do not condemn or judge them, as Van Gogh considered such people worthy of dignity.   Though Van Gogh was not overtly political (which several key Enlightenment thinkers were), he demonstrated an anti-elitist outlook resembling the Enlightenment sense of egalitarianism, and believed that humanity could fix its flaws by increasing its understanding of others and breaking free from the mental â€Å"prisons† he described. REFERENCES Gay, Peter.   The Enlightenment.   New York: W.W. Norton, 1977. Suh, H. Anna. Ed.   Vincent Van Gogh.   New York: Black Dog and Leventhal, 2006.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Dettol Antiseptic Liquid

INTRODUCTION * Dettol was first used in leading UK maternity hospital in the early 1930s. Shortly thereafter, in 1933, with the endorsement of medical profession, Dettol was launched to the general public. * Dettol is a brand of Reckitt Benckiser and has stood for its trusted production in India since 1930. * The brand is endorsed by the Indian Medical Association and has been voted among India's Most Trusted Brand in recent years. Reckitt Benckiser (India) Limited, formerly known as Reckitt ; Colman of India Limited, has many brands in India, namely â€Å"Dettol, Veet, Harpic, Mortein, Robin Blue, Cherry, Lizol, Colin, Dispirin, Brasso, Mansion and others. PRODUCTS PORTFOLIO * Antiseptic Liquid * Hand Sanitizer * Medicated Plaster * Saving Cream with fresh fragrance * Body Wash * Soap – Original, Skincare, Cool, and Re- Energize * Liquid Handwash- Original, Skincare, Sensitive and Fresh * No Touch Handwash- Original and Cucumber PRODUCTS UNDER BRANDPRODUCTS UNDER BRAND APPRO VED BY INDIAN MEADICAL ASSOCIATION ANTISEPTIC LIQUID DETTOL ANTISEPTIC LIQUID Dettol Antiseptic Liquid is a proven safe and effective antiseptic that kills various bacteria and provides protection against germs which can cause infection and illness. It can be used safely for gentle antiseptic wound cleansing and also for personal hygiene. Dettol Antiseptic Liquid gently cleanses the skin and helps protect against infection from cuts, scratches and insect bites by killing germs. Dettol Antiseptic Liquid can also be used n the wash to freshen linen and nappies and in the bath to leave skin feeling hygienically clean and refreshed (kids older than nine months). SALIENT FEATURES * Dettol Antiseptic Liquid is a product, which has many uses for protecting the family from germs. * Use with mopping water, to disinfect floors, completely. * Use in washing laundry to disinfect the clothes. * For first aid and personal care uses, Dettol Antiseptic Liquid must always be used, dilute in water. * Available in wide range of sizes from 5ml to 5 litre.PROS AND CONS OF DETTOL ANTISEPTIC LIQUID PROS: * Versatile * Disinfectant which kills bacteria and provides protection against germs. *   Dettol is use to cleanse cuts and stings. CONS: * Be careful how you use. * Toxic BUYING MOTIVE OF A CONSUMER * Emergency antiseptic product. * Secondary uses in the form of bathing, cleaning floor, and shaving. * Cuts and bruises healer. * Concentrated antiseptic disinfectant which kills bacteria and provides protection against germs. REFERENCES * www. google. com * www. dettol. co. in * www. wikipedia. com

Sunday, September 15, 2019

African Negro Art Essay

In †Walker Evans: The Hungry Eye†, author Gilles Mora attempts to capture and represent every significant aspect of the photographer’s life and times via his art work. Evans was a Depression-era photographer with the Farm Security Administration and later editor of Fortune magazine. His work was featured in Time magazine and he was the first photographer to be given a solo show at New York’s Museum of Modern Art in 1938. In 1935, he had his first photograph display at the museum, a series he called â€Å"African Negro Art. † Evans did not initially set out to be a photographer, but ended up as part of a class of FSA photographers that included such greats as Dorothea Lange and Ansel Adams. He was born to well-to-do parents in St. Louis in 1903 and attend college in New York for a year before going to Paris to see the world. In 1927, he returned to the New York literary scene making friends with others who would go on to have a huge impact on his career. He first began taking photographs in 1928 and worked on Wall Street as a clerk to a stockbroker until the stock market crash in 1929. A year later his first photographs, of the Brooklyn Bridge, were published in a book of poetry by Hart Crane. During the Depression, Evans toured Cuba where he met Earnest Hemingway and worked for the Resettlement Administration in West Virginia before joining the FSA. He spent a great deal of time shooting American architecture as a manner of recording history and life and also spent 3 weeks living with sharecroppers in Alabama for a piece for Time magazine that James Agee was supposed to write. The piece did not meet Time’s standards, but he and Agee would publish the story and photos in 1941 in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men† Evans primarily used an 8† by 10† large format camera for his Depression era work, though he would switch to 35 mm in his later years. He is primarily known for his attempt to document life as it was without the influence of the photographer being felt in the photographs. This was, of course, impossible given the medium that he was using. The large size format combine with the film type meant that often his subjects would have to remain motionless for several minutes while the film was exposing. Still, even his staged photographs appeared to be accurate scenes of life in the South in the Depression. During World War II, Evans was a regular contributor to Time magazine and after the war he joined the staff of Fortune magazine where he was a regular contributor until 1965. In 1965, he left the magazine to become a professor of graphic design at Yale Univeristy in New Haven, Conn., where he remained until his death in 1975. Evans is best known for his Depression era work, but he also did several series after the war attempting to document American life. He did a series about American industrialization s shot from a moving train and about the people of New York City that he shot on the subway with a camera hidden in his coat. Evans is credited with having a strong influence on several American artists most notably Andy Warhol, who may have gotten the idea for his photo-booth series from work that Evans had done in a photo-booth. It is believed that Evans began experimenting with the use of photo booth imagery as early as 1929 in an attempt to divest himself from the role of artist in the taking of the photograph. Evans argued throughout most of his life in favor of the idea that photography should be a record of what was and not an artistic medium. Mora attempts to depict Evans’ work in a manner as closely as possible to the way they were originally presented, meaning some reproductions in the book are small and difficult to appreciate, but as a whole Evans’ body of work is amazing for its depiction of the human spirit.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

ECPE Essay about single parrent families Essay

The Family structure has changed significantly in the last fifty years. With higher percentages of marriage ending in divorce, and higher rates of childbearing out of wedlock, single parent families are increasing rapidly. Seventy percent of all the children will spend the all or part of their lives in a single-parent household. Studies have shown that the children of these families are affected dramatically, both negatively and positively. It is never a childs decision to only live with one parent. There are many ways that single-parent homes occur. Some of these ways include unplanned pregnancy, divorce, the decision to be a single parent by choice, and death of a spouse. In every case families are disputed greatly. Parents might experience depression, emotional problems etc. but the child is affected the most. It is ideal for a child to be living with both parents for many reasons that will affect the child’s emotional development. Even if the parent living away from the child visits often it does not make up for times where the child might have needed the parent. Lack of parental involvement can harm the child in many ways. With less parental influence in single parent homes the children might experience difficulty in school. With a grasp of a healthy marriage of their parents, children might have problems later in life with holding a job and having strong healthy relationships themselves. Studies have shown that children coming from a disrupted family significantly increases a young adult’s risk of experiencing social, emotional or academic difficulties. Aside from all the negative things a child growing up in a single-parent family might face the child will become more independent and responsible at an earlier age. Being forced at an early age to have more household responsibilities helps children later in life to be mature and make decisions for his/herself. Learning skills early can be applied to them later in life. The children also have higher self-esteem, because they that they are capable of facing problems, and taking on tasks. They know that they can’t rely on both parents to meet all their needs. Even though the ideal family is a dual family, children living in a single-parent home might face problems financially and economically which doesn’t mean they can fare off as well rounded adults later in life. As long as there are the established kinds of basic support given to the child, we do not need to target mothers or fathers for the breakdown of society. Every type of family has faced problems. As long as we acknowledge parents struggle to fight for their best for the kids and accept that they are not perfect.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Marketing and Product Life Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing and Product Life Cycle - Essay Example In addition, these will also aid the company in informing customers on the usage of the new product. During the launching, in-store promotions will also be used in order to allow the customers to experience and be educated of Key Ring. Questions will be entertained and freebies will also be given to participants. During the growth stage, it is expected that the product will already be popular in the market but competitors are trying to catch up by making their own campaigns. Procter and Gamble will counter this by giving higher discounts to the company's products. Bundling and in-store promotions will still be utilized. Noting the strong brand equity of Procter and Gamble, it is expected that buyers will still gravitate to its products and will be seeking more ways to get discounts. Sales is expected to taper off during maturity when demand slowly stabilizes. Procter and Gamble can stimulate the use of Key Ring by including its new product lines in the discount coupons. Since the company is very much aggressive in introducing new product variants, it is very much advisable to entice customers in buying these products by allowing them to purchase at a discount.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Racial Profiling on Drug Warfare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Racial Profiling on Drug Warfare - Essay Example However, one can recognize the modest changes in white racist domination in the United States without downplaying the strong relationship between being black and being a target of serious racial discrimination. In one way or another, all black Americans and Caucasians continue to suffer discrimination because white domination of black Americans and other people of color remains a major organizing principle for group life in the United States. According to statistical results "Although African Americans comprise only 12.2 percent of the population and 13 percent of drug users, they make up 38 percent of those arrested for drug offenses and 59 percent of those convicted of drug offenses causing critics to call the war on drugs the "New Jim Crow" (Race and the Drug War n.d.). The racial hierarchy is supported by a range of dominant-group prejudices and stereotypes, yet it is perpetuated most centrally by the discrimination carried out by many whites on a recurring basis. Age-old pattern s of racial inequality-of unjust enrichment and unjust impoverishment-are reproduced by the daily routines of antiblack discrimination. For instance, "During the height of the war on drugs, from 1986 to 1991, the number of white drug offenders in state prisons increased by 110 percent. The number of black drug offenders grew by 465 percent" (Shaw 2000). Police pays a special attention to African-Americans and Caucasians because of ethical differences and stereotypes. It should be no surprise then, that African Americans are often depicted as criminals in mass media. Crime in America is often portrayed in blackface, seemingly suggesting not only that African Americans and Caucasians are likely to be involved in crime, but that they are responsible for most of the crime in America today. "Racial profiling is the law enforcement practice of substituting skin color for evidence as grounds for suspicion" (Race and the Drug War n.d.). Contemporary patterns of discrimination are grounded in the benefits that whites have historically secured. All forms of racial discrimination transmit the legacy of the past, that of slavery and legal segregation. Today discriminatory practices reproduce and reinforce the unjust impoverishment and enrichment of the past. Discrimination also reflects and perpetuates the age-old racist ideology, with its asso ciated array of anti-black images and attitudes. When blacks and Caucasians encounter whites in a broad array of contemporary settings, they often meet negative beliefs about their abilities, values, and orientations. Racial barriers persist today because a substantial majority of whites harbor anti-black sentiments, images, and beliefs and because a large minority are very negative in their perspectives. When most whites interact with black Americans at work, in restaurants, on the street, at school, or in the media they tend to think about the latter, either consciously or unconsciously, in terms of racist stereotypes inherited from the past and constantly reiterated and reinforced in the present (Daum 65). Police may actively persecute blacks, or they may engage in an array of avoidance behaviors.

The Different Cases of Diabetes Experience Research Paper

The Different Cases of Diabetes Experience - Research Paper Example Physically, I have to continuously track my food intake and have to be careful about my exercise and activity level. It puts a lot of strain as I cannot let go of myself like normal people. I have also lost a lot of weight and at times am overcome with tiredness. I will weak and avoid taking additional responsibilities at the office as I know I cannot cope up with it much.How has being diagnosed with diabetes affecting your emotional/mental health?Emotional/mental health I feel that I have become a little depressed at times as I have to be extra careful with my food, with my daily routine and with my overall health. I fear that if I hurt my self, even in a small way, I will not be able to recover.Q4. What were the complications and side effects once diagnosed with diabetes? The most prominent side effect that I can feel is deterioration of my eyesight. I see that my eyesight is failing, and every day I fear that I will completely lose my eyesight.Q5. Have you been involved in designing a treatment or care plan for managing your diabetes. Please describe.As I have Type 1 diabetes, my doctor initially gave me a few sessions about keeping my sugar levels under control, diet and activity level. I was given a diet chart and then I started doing my own research on food and diabetes and now have a strict routine and schedule for my day.Q6. Have your diabetes medical advisors discussed any treatment options withyou? If so, what were these alternative treatments? None. Just need to use Insulin shots and manage my diet Q7. What do you find most difficult about your diabetes? Â  The healthy diet, exercising, doing injections, testing glucose levels, I don’t find anything difficult, other, please specifyQ8. Why do you find it so difficult? It is unnerving to inject yourself day after day.Q9. Do you feel different than other people because of diabetes? Certainly, I don’t have the freedom to eat or exert myself as normal people can Q11. How has diabetes had an impact on your quality of life and well-being?

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Oil and Gas Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Oil and Gas Management - Essay Example However things are not as simple as they might look. According to various examples and researches it is believed that countries that enjoy abundance in resources are on average less likely to attain economic development in comparison with countries that do not (Heum, Kasande, Ekern, and Nyombi, 2011). Porter (1985) has explored the progressions of various combinations of actions or activities that are performed in order to come up with the final product for the customers. The process involved different actions and services carried out on the specific product from beginning till the end i.e. from extracting the product till the product is manufactured and later distributed to the final customers. However the analysis of Porter can be significantly applied to separate entity or firm (single firm) and can also be applied on number of firms or organizations keeping one thing under consideration i.e. their interconnections amongst each other in the supply chain context or in simple words the link among manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and customers in a specific area or globally (Tordo, Tracy, and Arfaa, 2011). Meanwhile the value chain supply system of the oil and gas industry with reference to social value creation has been highlighted below Oil and gas sector value chain comprises of various procedures initiating from development, processing, transporting and marketing of the product (oil) to the end user or consumers. The process of value chain in the oil and gas sector begins from allocating areas in order to later search or explore those areas for oil and gas. However soon after the basic search for oil or gas, evaluations are carried out on the grounds or fields; development and production are the other two things that are carried out later. The overall procedure is also known as Exploration and Production (E&P) or in other words it is also known as

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Examining Economic Differences Between Nations As Caused by the Essay

Examining Economic Differences Between Nations As Caused by the Presence of Education and Higher Learning - Essay Example Although there is an enormous difference in economic/educational knowledge between an American who has a degree in finance or education, and an American who had to struggle to complete a high school diploma, nevertheless the two would most likely still be able to agree upon a fairly straightforward idea: formal education indubitably enhances one's ability to become a valuable employee, and therefore a contributor to our comparatively wealthy nation. Money is on our minds, and education is almost universally accepted within this country as the means by which to build our fortunes. Within the next few pages, the aim of this paper is to illustrate with facts and figures more of the mechanics of the answer to the question above. The focus will be upon politics and the history of one particular developing nation, Liberia. First of all, let's look at the evidence that Americans see education as the key to opportunity. On a typical day, it is almost guaranteed that will tout at least three new articles from one, if not all of the following topics: "finding the best college" "the best college for your money," "how to save for your child's education," "finding the most lucrative major," "where to find baby's first SAT guide to ensure that he is able to get a 1600 before other kids can walk." The article dujour for April 12 is somewhat subdued, and we see only a few articles on money and/or education: "Tax-day Aftermath in 19 Cities," "Saving Family Fortunes," and last but not least, "Preparing for a High-Paying Job." We are focused on finding both the best education for ourselves AND for our children. Can any of us really deny the powerful, but mixed feelings (awe, admiration, maybe a little bit of envy or self-consciousness) we would have upon meeting someone who non-chalantly declares that he o r she recently completed a master's degree for some convoluted area of study (we're not even sure what a person with such a degree will do with it) from a very sexy, name-brand college "Certainly," we think to ourselves, "this person has it made when it comes to finding a job." The Black Collegian states, "we launched this magazine with the conviction that earning a higher education was among the most important, transformative and uplifting opportunitites in a young person's life-and the most challenging. This remains as true today as in 1970." (The Black Collegian, 4) Although, as with everything, there are exceptions to the following statement, it cannot be denied that the majority of Americans will agree that it is wise to pursue a quality education, if one desires to attain a certain level of comfort, and the career necessary for achieving that lifestyle. It can be said that although atypical of every single citizen of the United States, there are also those who see education as more than a means to a financial end, who hold academia dear to their hearts not only for the monetary rewards that it holds, but also for the sake of learning itself, and who will argue strongly against anything they see as threatening to their education: "Intellectual freedom-the freedom to ask questions, to uncover facts, to speak independently without fear-is the foundation of our democracy and remains of critical importance, especially in a time of crisis,"

Monday, September 9, 2019

Competitor analysis of wedding companies in London Essay

Competitor analysis of wedding companies in London - Essay Example After people are becoming more and more interested in having destination weddings, several companies have been introduced to offer services such as planning a destination wedding which can really be hectic for an individual. Destination is among the most popular in London (DestinationWeddings.Com 2015). Lindy Dowling Wedding & Event Planners is another upcoming wedding planning company in London that is quickly gaining a fan base. Those who do not prefer traditional weddings and are willing to put in as much money as possible in making a wedding their most memorable moments go for the luxury weddings. The best thing about the weddings is that they are top notch in everything that a package offers. The food, drinks, reception, and every part of the wedding is characterized by glamor. There are increasingly large number of luxury wedding planners entering the market today. One of them is orchid Inspirational event planning (OrchideEvents 2015). The company is a new entrant and it is not established very well though it still attracts good number of clients. Sarah Haywood Luxury Wedding Planners & Event Designers have been in the market longer and the company is hailed as the best luxury wedding in London. There are several advantages that come with choosing a company to arrange a wedding event. Naturally, there are too many things involved in planning a wedding (Brown 2013). The choosing of a suitable location for a wedding could be tricky itself. A wedding planner offers so much help as they ask for the type of place one would prefer, sometimes bringing with them several pictures that the clients can choose from and providing insights on the best places to go (Brown 2013). The whole planning involved getting a wedding attire, choosing its colour, dressing people up, and what is required in the reception and the food (Brown 2013). These companies, at a fee, simplify all these so that the clients only worry about showing up for the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Optimism and Health Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Optimism and Health Paper - Essay Example This article studies the impact of optimism on physical and emotional well being. In this regard, the article provides a detailed literature review and analysis, which takes into account quite a number of relevant studies and articles. The introductory part informs the writer about three different theoretical arguments on optimism. The first among these is that by Carver and colleagues who define optimistic people as individuals having a disposition towards optimism who indulge in more frequent protective attitudes, therefore they are not so vulnerable to stress and possess better coping strategies also. The second view point presented in this portion of the article is that of none other than Seligman, who argues that external, specific and stable positive attribution styles among the optimists contribute in optimists turning out to have better coping skills than pessimists. A third view point presented in this regard (Weinstein, 2005) states that optimism is actually a distortion of reality and calls it unrealistic optimism, which can occur either as a defense mechanism to protect one’s self esteem or due to cognitive factors like lack of insufficient knowledge or a poor critical insight. The main body follows the theoretical introduction. This is divided into four parts each under separate headings. The first part reports that researchers have found out that depression and suicidal ideation are inversely related to optimism (Velden  et al; 2007); and that psychotherapy which promotes optimism can enhance the mental health of people at risk, specially the post traumatic individuals (Giltay  et al; 2004). The second part is about optimism and physical health. Five studies are highlighted which support the conviction that optimism has a positive effect on physical health and helps in recovering from and preventing diseases like: AIDS, heart diseases and cancer. Some contradictory findings are also presented in this article. These findings suggest that though optimism may have a short term positive effect on health, it causes long term negative changes in the immune system due to unrealistic attribution style (Schofield  et al, 2004 & Tomakowsky  et al, 2001). The article also includes research that highlights the coping skills which optimists tend to use. Summarizing the fin dings of these studies; such coping styles include: acceptance of situation, positive assessment of situation and use of humor to lighten up the situation. Next section of the article deals with the impact of optimism on quality of life. Many studies have been reviewed by the authors in this regard. The findings of these studies suggest that optimists usually enjoy a better quality of life as compared to pessimists and score high on the physical as well as mental health related quality of life measures. The article further pursues the role of risk perception in optimism related physical and mental health. Most studies in this context revealed that optimi sts tend to perceive themselves as not being at risk or facing very little risk of diseases (McKenna  et al, 1993). The article ends with a concise conclusion that optimism plays an important role in the physical and mental well being of individuals. The authors have also recommended the use of psychotherapy that aims at optimism in order to reduce the risk of physical and mental health issues. 3. VALIDITY OF THE STUDY The article seems quite valid to me. It has covered

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Technology in Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Technology in Healthcare - Essay Example Certainly, medical technology has been useful over the years with profound breakthroughs being achieved but there needs to be an understanding of the impact of technology in healthcare- both positive and negative effects and how the latter can be mitigated. Technology is being adopted in healthcare to develop new treatments for previously untreatable diseases, major progress in clinical ability to treat acute ailments, increase access to healthcare to the patient population, making improvements in existing capabilities and promote efficient delivery of services. Medical technology has been used as a restricted substitute to a treatment, a substitute for an existing treatment or a supplement to an existing treatment. These changes are important to note as they affect the cost of treatment as they determine whether the technology raises or lowers the initial cost of treatment (Prantel). The field of medicine largely uses a number of types of medical technology or is affected by new technology and this had been evidenced for instance by the reduction in overall mortality rate from the heart attack between 1980 and 2000 as the number fell by approximately half. Another instance is with treatment of pre-term babies where in the 1950s it was almost impossible to provide this treatment but by the 1990s, there had been advances in technology; for example, it became possible to have steroids for the mother and/or baby and artificial pulmonary surfactant started being used to help infant's lungs develop. These advances in technology reduced mortality by a third of what it was in the 1950s (â€Å"Snapshots: How Changes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Primarily technology use in healthcare has been opposed for its high-cost implications. However, from the graph above digitizing healthcare is forecasted to save the healthcare approximately 400 billion and 150 billion dollars inpatient and outpatient costs cumulatively by 2018 respectively.  Ã‚  

Friday, September 6, 2019

Achievement Motivation Essay Example for Free

Achievement Motivation Essay What is it? This links personality with the degree of competitiveness shown by an individual. Its main focus is the extent to which an individual is motivated to attain success. Some Theories about it   Murray (1938) indicated that it was natural for individual to strive to surpass another (genetically) like trait. Bandura (1977) believed that a competitive drive was a product of learning (social learning). Atkinson and McCelland (1976) has the view of an interactionist and predicts achievement motivation is generated through a combination of personality and situation factors. Atkinson and McCelland view of achievement motivation as a personality trait which is activated by a situation, the situation comprises the probability of success and the incentive value of success. -Probability of success;the extent to which success is likely;For example success is more likely of the task is found by the individual to be easy. -Incentive value of success;the incentive value experienced by the individual after success-been achieved. For example the harder the task the greater will be the incentive value because the probability of success is reduced. There are two personality types to determine achievement motivation and these are; 1.High need to achieve (high Nach) Linked with the low need to avoid failure (Low Naf). With these characteristic, desire to succeed overcomes the fear of failure. These performers=high in achievement motivation (high achievers) 2.Low need to achieve (Low Nach) Also linked with high need to avoid failure (High Naf). These characteristics the fear of failure overcome the desire to success. These performers=low in achievement motivation (low achievers) Characteristics of high and low achievement motivation personality traits. High Nach Personality Characteristics Low Nach personality characteristics High need to achieve Low need to achieve Low need to avoid failure High need to avoid failure Approach behaviour is adopted Avoidance behaviour is adopted Challenges is accepted Challenges is rejected Risks are undertaken Risks are declined Shows persistence and perseverance when task is difficult Curtails effort when task is difficult Success tends to be attributed to external factors Failure tends to be attributed to internal factors Failure is seen as a route to success Failure is seen as the route to further failure Aspire to mastery orientation Adopt learned helpessness Key Terms Approach behaviour-describes behaviour that accepts a challenge Avoidance behaviour-describes behaviour that rejects a challenge Attribution-The process that predict reasons for success or failure Mastery Orientation-The strong motive to succeed found in the high achievement. This type of person will expect to succeed but will persist when failure is experienced Learned helplessness-The belief that failure is inevitable and that the individual has no control over the factors that cause failure. Atkinson and McCelland Their theory of achievement motivation is best at predicting behavioural responses in situations where there is a 50/50 chance of success. This will trigger motivation for those performers with high achievement traits=likely  to display approach behaviour and mastery orientation characteristics in these circumstances. Incentive value=high when chance is evenly balanced. In contrast to performers who show low achievement motivation would experience greatest anxiety in situations with a 50/50 chance of success— later adopt avoidance behaviour and experience learned helplessness. Approach or avoidance behaviours likely to arise when in a evaluative situation=Situation in which an individual believes they are being assessed. Drawbacks 1.Achievement or success can interpreted in many ways. Some performers regard success as victory over others. For example a long jump athlete winning an event. These people are said to have ego goal orientation. Those with this believe that ability and comparison over others=criteria for success. 2.Others judge on the basis of person improvement in a given task-For example a second long jump athlete may view success as the achievement of an improved performance. These people are said to have task orientation. Those with the task orientation value internal goals and believe that effort and comparison with self=criteria for success. Sport Specific Achievement Motivation(Competitiveness) Competitiveness in this context means- motivation to achieve in sport. Gill and Deeter (1988), using their own test called the ‘Sport Orientation Questionnaire’ (SOQ), confirmed that athletes were far more competitive than non-athletes. As as statement, this would appear obvious. Evidence of greater significance-athletes favoured performance goals (task orientation) while non-athletes emphasised the importance of winning (ego orientation) The type of goal set by the teacher as the measure of success in sport-related activities has, therefore, a significant influence upon the decision to adopt and sustain an active and healthy lifestyle. The important association between sport-specific motivation (competitiveness), confidence and goal setting.